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Welcome to Lisa Brooke • Human Design


Human Design is a tool you can use to understand the why and how you move through your life.

Combining modern physics with the ancient wisdom of the chakra system, vedic astrology, kabbalah, and the I Ching a Human Design reading reveals a personal chart that is unique to you. 

Every person falls into one of five Personality Types, and each has their own distinctive strategy for decision-making. 

Once equipped with your Strategy you can break old patterns and move forward into a life with more confidence and flow.

What To Expect To Learn From Your Human Design Reading with Lisa

• Your first HD reading takes place online so you can connect from the privacy of your own home. 

• It will reveal your individual Personality Type, your Strategy and the proper method to use for making your decisions. 

• You will see a version of yourself you likely haven’t seen in awhile. Many people describe this experience as
seeing themselves ‘before the world got in.’ It’s you, but returned to your ‘factory settings.’ 

• You will learn the grand design for your life.

• You are strongly encouraged to bring a journal to capture the information you’ll learn. It’s a lot.

can you see yourself in one of these?


If you love structure, have tons of energy and can execute big projects, but feel frustrated with the pace of others, 
and have trouble sleeping at night…
you might be a GENERATOR


If you thrive on initiating plans, strategies, or trends, 
feel energetic and act on ideas but often find yourself getting angry, irritable or impatient, and you’re frequently involved in power-struggles…
you might be a MANIFESTOR


If you love guiding, teaching or directing others, are
deeply intuitive, and draw people to you effortlessly, 
but feel highly sensitive to criticism, and struggle to
initiate plans before completely burning out…
you might be a PROJECTOR

manifesting generator

If you are brilliant at multi-tasking, can find people
and shortcuts that make your life easier, but detest waiting for others to match your pace, and have
trouble finishing what you start….


If you are a passionate advocate for unity and peace, are eager to try unlimited new experiences, but crave consistency and grounding, and find yourself prone to crushing disappointment…you might be a REFLECTOR

Let’s Adventure Together

and decipher your design.


Lisa uses her creativity, insight, heart and humour when doing my design chart. It’s a vulnerable thing and she manages to hold me and kick my ass at the same time.


If the intuitively created art that Lisa produces based on your human design, was the only piece of
what you receive, that would be enough. I stare at mine and feel a resonance with how it
reflects how I am created to operate on this earth.

• Lisa can translate this information not only into form but also conversation and language
that will provide you with a road map into your past and tools for your present and future.


I am new to Human Design and Lisa has been instrumental in helping me to understand it.
With her clear explanations and compassionate approach, I feel like I am understanding myself
more and more, and with understanding and awareness, she is helping me to see that
positive change is possible. 

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